KORA Organics focus on a holistic approach to wellbeing and this is in perfect alignment with the theme for 2023 – wellness, self-care, and personal transformation.
Spiritual alignment means that you are guided to make better decisions and live life at a higher and better quality. KORA Organic’s yearly tradition continues with Miranda’s personal Chinese Astrologer and Feng Shui Expert, Anita Rosenberg, sharing insights as to how to shine in the spotlight in the New Year of the Water Rabbit 2023.
February 4, 2023, at 10:44am launches the transition to the Chinese New Year of the Gui Mao or Water Rabbit – according to the Chinese solar calendar. Everyone will be seeking spiritual growth and awakening in some form or another. Being a healthy and bright shining star in the spotlight of your life will be the focus. Healing, wellness, and self-improvement using unconventional wisdom industries will help everyone take responsibility for their own success and happiness.
“To inspire other people, first you must be inspired. If you are not living an inspired life, you can’t be the candle that lights the flame in other people.”
*Each person can have up to 4 different animals signs in their BaZi Chinese Astrology chart. Check the information on the year/month/hour criteria to see which animal energies affect you in 2023. To know your day animal sign, you must have a professional chart plotted.

Born Year of the Rabbit: 1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011
Born Month of the Rabbit: March 6 – April 4
Born Hour of the Rabbit: between 5 – 6:59am
Rabbit in 2023 brings increased likeability, wealth and financial gains, secret assistance, great leadership qualities, intelligence, and mastery of new knowledge. All eyes will be on you because the spotlight shines on your Grand Duke Star. Take on new responsibilities, get out of your comfort zone, and be a leader. Take people from one place to a better place.
Actions to Take
· Acquire new skillsets to give yourself an edge.
· Get rid of toxic people in your life.
· Learn a spiritual practice to release negativity and receive divine insights.
· While you are working hard don’t forget about your health.
Born Year of the Dragon: 1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012
Born Month of the Dragon: April 5 – May 5
Born Hour of the Dragon: between 7 – 8:59am
A year of positive changes await the Dragon. The Sun Star in 2023 brings prosperity. This is your year to shine. You also become the helpful person in the lives of others –bringing joy, happiness, and warmth.
True happiness comes from helping other people and rejoicing in their success. Get out of your comfort zone and support others. Expect a bit of travel in 2023.
Actions to Take
· Be the sunshine to brighten the lives of others.
· Travel for business or study something new.
· Watch offensive words, especially to women or those you have angered.
· No pity-party if you feel isolated or lonely – this is your year to be a star.

Born Year of the Snake: 1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013
Born Month of the Snake: May 6 – June 5
Born Hour of the Snake: between 9 – 10:59am
With Snake in your chart, this could be a year that supports your independence. Connect with those who have already been where you want to go. Mix with like-minded individuals and doors can open up.
Find a new hobby. Join new groups and meet new friends. Start a new side gig. With Sky Horse, expect to travel more. You could make money with an online business.
Actions to Take
· Develop entrepreneurial skillsets and start a side gig or new business.
· Provide value to attract a mentor.
· Avoid petty people and keep an eye on your health.
· Travel the world to expand your network.
Born Year of the Horse: 1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014
Born Month of the Horse: June 6 – July 6
Born Hour of the Horse: between 11am – 12:59pm
Horse in 2023 can expect many happy events to live a life that impacts other people. Increase your tolerance to stress and magnetize only the good stuff to yourself.
With the Moon Star, you have the potential to make a lot of money. Create a product or provide a service. With Sky Happiness you can build a long-term relationship –or even get married.
Actions to Take
· Good year to start a side hustle to create a secondary income stream.
· Solve problems in the market to fill a gap and create a winning business.
· Develop and nurture long-term relationships.
· Release tension and build inner confidence.

Born Year of the Goat: 1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015
Born Month of the Goat: July 7 – August 7
Born Hour of the Goat: between 1 – 2:59pm
After last year of delays for the Goat, 2023 is a year of improvement and growth. This is your year to solve problems and this makes you invaluable. With energy and vitality, you can make things happen.
You could become famous overnight –consider doing something on the internet. Position yourself to be seen and noticed for positive contributions. Channel your energy into being creative.
Actions to Take
· Plan activities that support a year of changes and growth.
· Gain clarity on your problems so you can find solutions.
· Increase your popularity and spread your influence and expertise.
· Ask for help and hire a coach to help you get to the next level.
Born Year of the Monkey: 1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016
Born Month of the Monkey: August 8 – September 7
Born Hour of the Monkey: between 3-4:59pm
Monkey in 2023 has the ability to develop intuition and sixth sense super powers with the Tai Ji Nobleman Star. This could be self-study or you can get a teacher to unlock these special abilities. With National Treasure you could increase fortunes.
With Lesser Consumer Star you might be spending more money. Watch senior males in your family who need more health support. Avoid dangerous places and watch your belongings.
Actions to Take
· You will be gifted with a strong sixth sense and intuitive powers.
· Self-study or get a teacher to see inward and develop self-awareness.
· Finish what you have started in 2023.
· Invest in yourself and assets that will grow in value.

Born Year of the Rooster: 1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017
Born Month of Rooster: September 8 – October 8
Born Hour of Rooster: between 5 – 6:59pm
Every year one animal sign is missing auspicious stars and this year it is the Rooster. Clashing with the Grand Duke also means you will have to work harder for success and happiness. Prove your self-worth and redefine your self-identity. Complain less.
Don’t sell yourself short. Spend money on education and investing in yourself. You will need new strategies because old plans are not going to work.
Actions to Take
· Turn crisis into opportunities to succeed.
· Balance your emotions and control your spending.
· Traveling this year will be important and helpful to moving your life forward.
· Be aware of petty people trying to bring you down and cut them out of your life.
Born Year of the Dog: 1934 – 1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006, 2018
Born Month of Dog: October 9 – November 7
Born Hour of Dog: between 7 – 8:59pm
Dog in 2023 brings mentors and helpful people into your life. Look to connect more with people of power and authority. Build and form strong relationships and be open to guidance from others.
With the Emperor Star people look up to you to make excellent decisions. No whining when you are the Emperor. Watch your health and do not get distracted from your goals.
Actions to Take
· Ask for help –offer help first.
· Accept leadership roles.
· Be more courageous.
· Have fun along the way as your legacy begins.

Born Year of the Pig: 1935 – 1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007
Born Month of Pig: November 8 – December 6
Born Hour of Pig: between 9 – 10:59pm
Pig will be challenged in 2023 with only 1 auspicious star and 6 energies going against them. With the positive Heavenly Chef, you can expect a good year of fine dining and looking good.
On the flip side, avoid risky sports and dangerous activities. If you are interested in spiritual pursuits, the DIPPER Spiritual Star allows you to learn metaphysics or alchemy.
Actions to Take
· Enjoy good food and dress to impress.
· Plan out your year to avoid project delays.
· Be careful who you trust – not everyone has your best interest at heart.
· Avoid being indecisive -communicate clearly and stay focused.
Born Year of the Rat: 1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008
Born Month of the Rat: December 6 – January 5
Born Hour of the Rat: between 11pm– 1am
Rat in 2023 has a host of auspicious star energies to assist the year. You will find yourself more likeable and attractive. Many opportunities are out there for you.
A joyous year of celebrations, and possibly exploring the world. Love is in the air. If you are single, that someone special might be out there. This could also mean romantic flings. If you are married or in a committed relationship, be careful because temptations could be everywhere.
Actions to Take
· Create memories and cherished moments.
· Build a close bond with your partner – or find someone to offer love.
· Arguments abound so stay open to new opinions.
· Good year to start a side-gig to earn more money.

Born Year of the Ox: 1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009
Born Month of the Ox: January 6 – February 3
Born Hour of the Ox: between 1 – 2:59am
Ox will have a challenging 2023 that will them stronger. You may feel more isolated. You may have to schedule a minor surgery. If you pursue spiritual studies to evolve your consciousness, you can become a better human being.
To truly make a break-through you must look inward. The Fire Spiritual Star brings creativity and passion. If there is something you truly want in 2023, you should go all in.
Actions to Take
· Be careful of misplacing valuable items so you don’t lose them.
· Focus on the meaningful aspects in your life.
· Don’t take obstacles and challenges too seriously.
· Avoid energy vampires –those who drain your life-force energy.
Born Year of the Tiger: 1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010
Born Month of the Tiger: February 4 – March 5
Born Hour of the Tiger: between 3 – 4:59am
Tiger has a busy 2023. There will be a lot of opportunities in business. Find ways to be more effective and productive. Expect an enjoyable life of travel and getting out and about. When you need a skilled medical practitioner, they will easily come to you.
Avoid offending others and do not engage in arguments over small matters. With the Forgetful Star make sure to write everything down. A good year to detox and eat cleaner. Practice self-care.
Actions to Take
· Stay alert to new opportunities or you will miss out.
· Highly skilled medical practitioners will come to you when needed.
· Build a good reputation.
· Look for new opportunities to meet new people and travel.
Anita Rosenberg is a global consultant helping people reach their wealth potential and improve their business and personal relationships. She is the go-to expert in Hollywood for Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology with over twenty years of experience in Chinese Metaphysics.
For more information or to schedule a personal BaZi Chinese Astrology Consultation visit www.AnitaRosenberg.com | @AnitaRosenbergStudio
FB – @AnitaRosenbergStudio
IG – @AnitaRosenbergStudio
YT – @AnitaRosenbergStudio

Gong Xi Fa Cai – sending wishes for a super fab 2023!