Anita Rosenberg is the go-to Expert on Feng Shui in Los Angeles, Aspen and New York City. An award-winning author and International speaker, with nearly 20 years of experience, her passion is helping people through Feng Shui, BaZi Chinese Astrology and Qi Men. As Miranda’s personal Cosmic Coach and a regular contributor to our Spread the Light blog Anita has put together 5 Feng Shui Tips and a meditation for healing for us to put in to place at home during this time.
1. Treat yourself to flowers
Fresh flowers are said to bring good fortune, plus they look really nice in your home. They uplift the life-force in the space. Some people prefer silk or dried flowers, but be warned they have a short shelf-life. After three months they become dust catchers, leading to negative energy. When flowers wilt or fade, replace them immediately.
2. Clean the Clutter
Use this time to do a deep clean behind the refrigerator or under appliances. You might be surprised what is building up under there. Clean out junk drawers and storage closets. You want to make room for new opportunities and when things are stuffed and messy, there is no room physically or metaphorically. Paper clutter in the office is mental clutter and adds to the confusion. We want clarity and focus for our time at home. Use the next few weeks and months to honor your sacred space of the home. Here are some questions to ask yourself during the cleaning process:
- Does it fit who I am now?
- Does it lift my energy when I look at it?
- Do I love it?
- Is it useful?
- Is it broken and needs fixing?
3. Create a Power Center
Home offices are expressions of what you do, who you are, what you have accomplished in the past and what you plan to do in the future. You want your home office powerful, expressive, and efficient. Here are some home office tips for empowerment:
- Place your desk with a commanding view of the room – never with your back to the door
- Anchor the corner of your desk with flowers, bamboo shoots, a spiritual statue, or use this area as your power altar to light magical candles and place crystals.
- Honor equipment and tidy up chaotic cords
- Keep the office clutter-free, especially paper clutter. Make sure it is active clutter – always moving and shifting. Passive clutter keeps you stuck.
4. Family Photos
During this time of isolation and social-distancing our family and friends are our support team. If you don’t already have an area where you display beautifully framed family photos, this is the best time to organize that. Seeing the faces of loved ones and memories that were so meaningful to us is important so we don’t feel so alone. Best Advice: display all together in one space. Do not sprinkle them around the house. They have more power and look much better in your décor focused.
5. Healing Meditation
To create healing energy in your home during the next few months here is a high-level energetic practice combining Chinese Metaphysical techniques of Feng Shui with Qi Men Dun Jia. It’s easy and I am practicing this daily and seeing a real difference in my overall health and the healing of my family, because I am sending them healing white light.
Stand in the center of your house or apartment holding a compass (can use a phone app). Determine the NORTHEAST sector or area of the house. In the NE area, also place your BACK to the NE direction. By tapping into the Feng Shui NE area with the NE Qi Men direction you are layering the healing energies.
The NE sector taps into the MIRACLE HEALING ENERGY with TIGER GUARDIAN for stamina and strength. If you are feeling sick, spend more time in this sector. To stay healthy, I suggest you do a morning meditation in the NE with your back to NE and meditate on healing. You have to keep yourself healthy both physically and emotionally during this stressful time.
You can also place yourself inside a white healing bubble to give yourself immunity. You can also send your loved ones healing energy by visualizing them inside white healing bubbles. Or you can create your own personal meditation for healing. There are no rules of meditation. It is only important that you activate this sector by being in it.
Look to see what is going on in the NE sector of your house. If is it cluttered or dirty – clean and organize it immediately. If this is a room you use frequently the energy of just being in that space will activate this healing energy for 2020.
Anita xx
To shop for magical candles and crystals or Anita’s DIY Feng Shui Luck Book visit her website
Her latest newsletter outlined how to navigate through the current health and financial crisis from a metaphysical viewpoint. A powerful read.
@anitarosenbergstudio | anitarosenbergstudio/
Since we are all staying home right now – energize the Qi in your space with the NE meditation for healing. It’s an important one.
nice article…very helpful…