This week our friend Nichelle took over our social media channels. Nichelle has been a friend of KORA and Miranda for several years now, and is the Founder & Chief Ride Officer at cyclehouse, a premier LA-based indoor cycling studio that she launched in 2011 with her brother. She is also a Board Member of hollywoodfoodco, a LA-based non-profit that serves meals to the homeless & hungry. We were grateful to have given our platform to Nichelle to share her thoughts on education, racial-equality and change. Here are some of the highlights.
“When we’re talking about change the main thing I feel we have to do is focus on and identify ways that we can actually create a positive impact. Two things that I am passionate about is voting and children. I believe that if we properly educate our children at the onset, we have the ability to help shape their foundation and remove bias from their lives as much as possible. There are many ways to educate your children from books to conversations to movies. I also think that voting is truly the way to affect the system here and now. Where are your dollars going for your city/town? Who are your elected officials? Particularly your local officials. These are the people who determine large aspects of your day to day experience. Knowing where your city funds go is important, even if it’s knowing how much it costs to add in a stoplight. If you’re not educated on these and if you’re not voting, they decide without your input. Your voice matters and can create change.” – Nichelle

Here are some of Nichelle’s top recommendations for change:
- If you have kids, read them ‘Be Kind’ by Pat Zietlow & ‘Little Leaders’ by Vashti Harrison
- If you’re a parent follow @curious.parenting
- For voting information follow @votesaveamerica
- If you’re a young adult read ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’ by Harper Lee
- If you’re a female adult read ‘Raising Our Hands’ by Jenna Arnold
- All adults tune into the ‘Pod Save America’ Podcast

Watch as Nichelle and Miranda discuss social injustice, how to better support, listen and amplify Black voices and some more resources to support.
“Sometimes in order to accomplish change we have to have difficult conversations. These conversations can be hard and uncomfortable, but they’re very necessary.” – Nichelle
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Miranda is donating $1 for every view of their chat from the first 24 hours to @blackvisionscollective – an organization Nichelle personally chose that is committed to dismantling systemic racism and creating long-term change. This raised over $87,000.
Thanks Nichelle!
The KORA Organics Team