The Magic of a Morning Routine

How To Create A Morning Routine

Updated on 21st December 2023 at 11:32 am

I believe that no matter what type of sleeper or person you are, everyone can agree that how you start your day can impact how the day goes.

I love bringing the elements of magic and intentional connections to the start of my day. Here are some of my favorite tools and things I’ve added over the years to bring magic not only to my mornings, but also to my entire day!

The moment I wake up, instead of jumping out of bed or even hitting the snooze button, I immediately turn off my alarm and turn on my meditation. I lie in bed, place my hands on my heart, and just breath and allow myself to slowly begin my day by listening to a grounding and peaceful meditation. I have a lot of responsibilities each day and my life is jam packed so this calming way of starting my day helps a lot. After the meditation, I sit up in bed, and take a few deep breaths and slowly stretch my back and open up my muscles. It’s like a little greeting card to my body. I’ll then think about my day ahead and set a few intentions for how I want to feel, give and receive throughout the day. 

It can be simple: Just for today, I am ease and grace; just for today, I am kind to myself and others; my intention for today is to have fun and feel peaceful; I am so excited and open to receive and share my gifts today.

The Magic of a Morning Routine Lemon

Once I feel like I’ve given myself the space and time to connect with the day and share my intentions, I’ll then get up and get my morning started. After brushing (don’t forget your tongue scraper!), washing, moisturizing and getting ready, I’ll then head to my kitchen. The very first thing I put in my body is alkaline water and fresh squeezed lemon. It’s amazing how his simple and consistent morning routine can hydrate and alkalize your body. Of course, because I’m a coffee lover, it’s an extra necessary step to keep my body thriving and balanced. Next up, coffee time!

As a married woman and multi-unit entrepreneur, my days can be all over the place. So the morning time is precious to my husband and me. We almost always walk to get coffee together each morning and consciously leave our phones behind so we can connect, be silly and just be with one another before the day starts. We’ll then get back and he will make us some greek yogurt with loads of superfood toppings or eggs and fruit so we are nourished and ready to take on the day. Two days a week, before breakfast, I’ll workout either doing yoga, pure barre or sometime type of cardio so it’s off my checklist. Those are my favorite days!

Yoga Kelsey Patel

These added “gifts” to my morning routine have given me the ability to feel more peaceful, connected and grounded each day. I used to wake up, hit snooze a lot, and then fly out the door with bags falling off my arms, breakfast in my hand and coffee spilling on some part of my shirt. There are still days when that happens, but it’s less and less. 

Changing my routine was not about changing who I am or being something other than me. It was about noticing what makes me feel better. I now truly prefer to wake up early because I know it will make me feel better and my day will be smoother. When I’m in the magic of my morning routine, I’m not trying to catch up to the day, I’m guiding it.

Kelsey Patel is one of Hollywood’s leading wellness and reiki experts.  She is not only a sought after spiritual empowerment coach, yoga teacher, reiki healer and meditation teacher, she is a multi-faceted entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, who has just written her first book, Burning Bright. Her own life story is a part of her public and private workshops and international retreats. Kelsey is known for her ability to connect with all types of audiences in a real, authentic and uplifting way. Her mission is to inspire human beings and give them the tools to relate and connect to their own best self and live life in a purposeful, fun and balanced way. Kelsey’s workshops, classes and self-empowerment tools are a constant in clients’ daily lives, allowing them to take their intentions and goals to the next level.
Kelsey Patel + Magik Vibes

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