At times there can be nothing better than loosing yourself in a good book. When was the last time you picked up a book to read? Reading can have a positive effect on both our physical and mental health.
Here are five benefits of reading that should make you go pick up that book:
Mental Stimulation
Just like we make an effort to exercise our body to keep it healthy and strong we need to exercise our minds too. Reading provides mental stimulation and exercises our brain, helping to strengthen connections. Keeping your brain active can help prevent cognitive decline that can often come with age. Go on, give it the workout it deserves!
Relaxation & Stress Reduction
Increase Memory & Focus
Today we have many devices, platforms and people vowing for our attention all at once that it’s decreasing our attention span and ability to focus. When you read a book, you must solely focus on one thing to keep up with the storyline. With the storyline comes the ability to remember what has happened. Every memory helps you to forge new pathways in your brain and strengthen existing ones.
Expand Your Vocabulary
Boost Your Skillset
Reading can also increase a vast range of your skills. By boosting your vocabulary you’re also boosting your writing skills, as you have all these new words to draw from and be able to express yourself clearly in the written and verbal form. Reading can help to fuel your imagination and creativity. Think about when you’ve been reading a book and you start to conjure what the character may look like, where they may live, your imagination is bringing the book to life and can flow on into boosting your creativity in the real world.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
Now it’s time to get stuck into that book you’ve always wanted to read!
With love,
KORA Organics