I was asked to write for the Kora Organics blog after doing a medical and spiritual intuitive reading for Miranda. I believe that a non-toxic lifestyle is incredibly important, so I am honored and delighted to be a contributor. Many people have heard of medical intuition, but don’t understand what it is or how it works. I’d like to tell you about the unique way I conduct my readings, how I help people and how I got started.
What Is It?
As a medical and spiritual intuitive, I identify peoples’ (or animals’) physical, emotional and spiritual issues as well as their strengths, in order to help them heal and live healthy, happy lives. People have described my readings as “a year of therapy in an hour”. Lyme Disease, mental illness, mold toxicity, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, cancer, intolerances, skin conditions, autism, thyroid disorders and trauma are only a few of the thousands of issues I have helped people with.
Not everyone who contacts me for a reading needs physical healing. Some clients want to know more about their careers and life path, improving relationships, connecting to intuition and developing spiritual gifts or general nutrition and wellness.
How It Works
Knowing only a client’s name and age, I begin the reading by asking my guides to help me create an individualized report and symbolic energy painting, filled with detailed information about nearly every aspect of their life including their relationships, families, childhood, traumas and much more. Since I am also a medium, I often receive information for the client from loved ones who have passed. I send the report and painting before our hour long meeting, during which I receive additional helpful information. I design an individualized plan focused on addressing all of the physical, emotional and spiritual root causes of their issues. Sometimes the plan involves online therapy since I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor. I have a small, trusted group of licensed medical practitioners I often refer people to for confirmation of my findings, testing and specific treatment.
I am often asked how I became a medical intuitive and how I can be so accurate. I wish I could explain how I receive the information but I don’t understand it myself. I ask my guides for information the client needs to improve their lives. I immediately start seeing and hearing words, colors and symbols in my head, seeing pictures and scenes, and physically feeling symptoms. I never take my abilities for granted and care deeply about every person I work with.
I have been able to communicate with people who had passed and to know what others were thinking and feeling, for as long as I can remember. At first it was fascinating to me, but around the age of ten, I became afraid of the negative, often evil energy I felt and pushed my abilities away. My empathic abilities were honed as a survival skill while growing up in a dysfunctional family and while being bullied because I went through puberty earlier than most of the other girls in my 5th grade class.
How I Got There
My personal healing journey began at the age of 16, when a powerful life force prompted me to contact a family doctor and ask for the name of a therapist who could help me with severe bulimia and depression. I didn’t tell anyone, including my parents. I even paid for it myself. I knew that I had two choices: end my life because I couldn’t take how horrible I felt every day or get help. I believe divine intervention caused me to choose the latter.
Recovering from bulimia and depression made me stronger than I ever could have imagined and I have been eating disorder free for over 30 years.
My therapist taught me how to connect to my intuition and the eating disorder, treating them as friends and allies instead of enemies. She also taught me to understand and embrace my spiritual gifts, rather than fear them. She was trained in Jungian psychology, a perfect fit for my personality and beliefs.
Carl Jung (1875-1961) was one of the first to write about symptoms being signals from our intuition, spiritual healing as a basis for physical healing and the mind-body connection. His many books and articles are the basis for 12 step programs and the work of many modern day teachers and healers, like Louise Hay.

My Background
I earned my master’s degree in counseling in 1983. Even as a therapist, I worked very intuitively, listening to messages from my guides and using the Jungian psychology techniques I learned during my own therapy. I would often know personal details about my clients they had not disclosed and I would receive messages from their loved ones who had passed, but I didn’t work formally as a medical or spiritual intuitive abilities until about eight years ago, after a tragic event occurred that gave me the courage to publicly talk about my abilities and embrace my strength.
In the fall of 2008, my previously healthy mother contracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome and became paralyzed over most of her body. She would remain in that state until ten years later, when she eventually passed away. My mother’s injury caused me to think about life differently. As a person who has dealt with anxiety, I often focused on the past or the future, not being able to fully enjoy the present. I didn’t want to waste any more time letting fear get in the way of expressing my authentic self, like my mother had for most of her life, remaining in an unhappy marriage for 45 years. She filed for divorce and almost went through with it several times, but he always managed to talk her into staying. She and I both believed that the paralysis was her intuition’s way of separating her from my father, since she finally had the courage to ask for a divorce when she was hospitalized. We often talked about all of the years she wasted being unhappy.
I work with so many people in similar situations, who come to me with emotional or physical symptoms, only to discover through their reading that the true root causes of their issues are actually unhappy relationships, unfulfilling jobs, not expressing their feelings and authenticity, being afraid of their creativity or unresolved trauma. Only when these root issues are addressed does physical and emotional healing fully take place.
I vowed to stop holding myself back and to stop caring about what other people thought. I enjoyed my work as a therapist, but I was told by my guides during recovery from my eating disorder, that I could help people on a large scale and that I needed to write a book about my experiences and helping people connect to intuition and heal. It was time to embrace more of my spiritual abilities and find my true path.
After exploring many possible interests, I found myself attracted to a book about medical intuition while browsing at a local store. I didn’t really understand what medical intuition was, but it sounded interesting. During a three day workshop with the author I discovered, much to my surprise, that I had these abilities. I knew that I had discovered something exciting and kept practicing until I felt confident enough to launch my business. I am privileged to help people all over the world and to have found my true calling. It is never too late to find yours.

Katie Beecher, MS, LPC is an Internationally known Medical and Spiritual Intuitive and Licensed Professional Counselor.
She creates an extensive report and symbolic painting for her clients, people and animals, knowing just their name and age.
Katie is featured in many publications and blogs, including Poosh, Well and Good, Lyme 360 and Goop, who calls her “eerily accurate”.
Soul Inspired Healing, her book about connecting to intuition, healing and wellness using the same techniques she uses in her readings and knowledge from her intuitive guides and Jungian psychology will be published in the Spring of 2021.
To learn more about Katie and make an appointment, head to katiebeecher.com and also follow her on Instagram and facebook.