Joy | The Essential Wellness Nutrient 

Joy | The Essential Wellness Nutrient 

Updated on 23rd October 2023 at 4:17 pm

Happiness isn’t only important for our mental and spiritual health; it is also essential for our physical health. We don’t often think about joy as a nutrient, which is defined as “a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life” but it is.  

I personally know people who have defied the odds and healed from disease because of their determination and positive attitudes.    

People who report being happy, optimistic, often have positive attitudes have stronger immune systems and become sick less often. Many studies have been published in prestigious journals documenting how joy significantly impacts our physical well-being.   

Here are a few important examples:   


Happiness helps us produce less cortisol when exposed to stressful situations and to recover more quickly from stress too. It may also have a positive impact on blood sugar. 

Cortisol causes us to produce insulin which raises blood sugar and signals the body to store fat. It is important to keep cortisol levels low because high levels of this hormone can lead to high blood pressure, low bone density, and mood changes. 

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Several studies suggest that people with more joy in their lives can feel less pain and other symptoms related to certain diseases and heal more quickly. This applies to short term illness as well as chronic illness.  

I have noticed this in my own life and with my clients. It may be partially because enjoyable activities and situations are distracting in a positive way, but happiness also causes measurable physical changes. 

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Healthy Emotions

Mental health issues often create accompanying physical health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, inflammation, aches and pains, gut problems and more.

Since joy can naturally improve anxiety and depression, it is important to consider the positive impact of emotional health for our overall health.

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As a bonus, being happy has been shown to increase longevity.  Studies involving very large groups of people from all over the world and different socio-economic groups have illustrated this. 

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Joy | The Essential Wellness Nutrient - KORA Organics

There are so many things you can do to add joy to your life. Often, we just need to get out of our own way.  

These include: 

  • Movement, preferably something you look forward to
  • Being in nature and with animals
  • Engaging in creative activities
  • Doing anything that makes you laugh
  • Being around people who make you feel seen, heard, and cared for
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Helping others in need
  • Focusing on your breathing
  • Being in the moment, rather than thinking about the past or the future
  • Connecting with a spiritual practice.

Here is a quick but powerful exercise to bring yourself joy: 

This helps me when I have become pre-occupied with a problem or with something I want to change.  

Put your feet on the ground and take a deep breath in, allowing the powerful energy of Mother Earth to fill your body with love and calm.  

When you breathe out, tell yourself that you are releasing any thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms that do not belong to you and no longer serve you.  

This will help clear your head and help you feel grounded.  

Then create a written list or colorful word collage of everything that is going well and that you are grateful for.   

Give it a try! 


We believe joy and a positivity mindset is at the core of wellness.  

Here are a few of the rituals we use to nourish and celebrate ourselves to live the organic lifestyle we know and love: 

Embrace your joy, today.  

KORA Organics 


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