5 Ways To Boost Your Health

5 Ways To Boost Your Health

Updated on 28th November 2024 at 10:47 am

As the holiday season is well under way, now is perfect time to focus on your health and begin thinking about what you want to achieve in 2022.

Have you set New Years goals and resolutions before only to fail and default into old habits? Do you feel like you’re doing laps and never really conquering your mountain?

I know your pain and after getting healed of my own unhealthy habits and treating many clients as naturopath for over 23 years, I’ve created a short list of things that if you do them each day, YOUR health goes from strength to strength.

Now is the time to look at your habits for they act as the hinges to your destiny and either move you closer or further away from your goals and from living a life you truly love. Starting now, or in the New Year, try these for 30 days to carve out good habits that last, to restore the foundations of your health, so you can look and feel amazing.

One: Level Up Your Hydration

Drink 2L of Wellness Water each day. Mixing up wellness water instead of plain water not only keeps this more interesting, it is a wonderful way to balance your blood sugar levels (which reduces cravings) and to detoxify and nourish the body.

Choose a glass jug with 2L of water and mix with the juice of 1/2 a lemon, 1/2 a lime, ginger to taste fresh, mint leaves, sliced cucumber and1 tsp of cinnamon powder. Consume throughout the day and avoid large amounts at meal times.

Two: Level Up your Mindfulness

Don’t just think it, feel it!

Think about what you want to manifest and create in your life and write down your top 5 and think about how amazing you feel when you have achieved them.

Hold this feeling in your nervous system of how all of your top needs are met, to the point it makes you smile, for 5 minutes each day.

Train your mind and body of what it feels like to have success in these areas so you can train your body out of flight of flight and fast track into your best life.

Three: Level Up Your Fun

Choose something that brings you joy and include this each day in your schedule.

This could be singing, laughing painting, jumping on a trampoline, skipping, cartwheels, using your hula hoop, even some fun music that you can dance to while you’re cooking dinner.

Turn off the news and put on an album you love that allows you to shake off current day stressors. By gifting yourself something joyful each day this acts as a form of self care and self love which helps keep you out of emergency mode, thus reducing stress, oxygenating your cells and boosting your immune system.

Four: Level Up Your Diet

Vegan Monday’s are a great place to start. Clean up your diet and choose more living food so that you can reduce inflammation and bombard your mind and body with essential nutrients that you need to thrive.

Why not incorporate vegan Monday’s so each week you have a mini detox after the weekend. Each Monday choose to only eat, salad, vegetables, low GI fruits, nuts and seeds to flush out toxic build up. You can either have a soup and veggie juice day or eat the foods listed above depending on your schedule.

For the rest of the week choose a varied colourful diet with lots of fruits & veggies. Leave sugar, dairy, gluten, meat and margarine out or include a little as a once a week treat. Don’t forget to avoid microwaves and only use stainless steel or glass for cooking, avoiding non-stick cookware and plastic storage containers.

Here is a great Papaya Boat Recipe for a vegan breakfast idea.

Five: Level Up Your Home Detox  

Swap out household and personal hygiene products for organic (I love KORA Organics). Choose filtered water to drink, a shower filter if possible and buy an air filter if you need to boost your clean air.

Even if you live in the city fill your home with plants, particularly the rooms you spend most time in and turn off your wifi at nights if possible.

Ladies, don’t forget about your make up too. Swap out the nasty chemicals for the organic versions for an elegant and healthy routine.

Not sure where to start with your wellness journey? Try our free Rejuv Wellness Quiz.

Simoné Laubscher is a Nutritionist and Naturopath. Simoné has treated clients for over 20 years and her passion to help others was ignited by her own issues struggling with eating disorders. Simoné treated herself successfully decades ago, after moving to London, and developed her Rejuv 7 Pillars of Wellness to help others also shift into optimum health.

Simoné is currently writing a book on the Gut Brain Axis, is completing more post grad study in this area and specializes in gut health and rebalancing all 11 systems to bring about mind body balance.

Due to her own health issues and observations with her clients, Simoné became increasingly frustrated with the vitamin industry using synthetic ingredients, so as a result 15 years ago started to formulate her own whole food organic supplement line called Rejuv Wellness. Simoné also went on to formulate the whole food supplement line for Welleco, born out of her client Elle Macpherson’s own personal journey for optimum wellness.

@simonelaubscherphd | www.rejuv.co.uk


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