Updated on 28th August 2024 at 4:37 am

The KORA Organics holistic approach to wellbeing is in perfect alignment with the yearly BaZi Chinese Astrology advice of balancing body, mind, spirit, and emotions. 

Let’s awaken to how this Ancient Art can personally guide you to be your best self in the transformational year of 2022 with Miranda’s personal Chinese Astrologer and Feng Shui Expert, Anita Rosenberg.

February 4, 2022 launches the transition to the Chinese New Year of the Ren Yin or Water Tiger – according to the Chinese solar calendar. The theme for 2022 is Spiritual Growth and Alignment. The focus is on raising your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual vibration to a higher frequency. The higher your frequency –the more awakened you will become on every level. This is the year to prioritize time and energy to what truly matters. With a higher consciousness, you will be in a more spiritual alignment and able to handle the ups and downs of 2022. The goals for 2022 include:

  1. Increasing clarity to enhance intuition
  2. Strengthening courage to have the energy to take risks
  3. Maximizing capacity to realize your full potential
  4. Asking for help and communicate better to grow and succeed

*Each person can have up to 4 different animals signs in their BaZi Astrology chart. Check the information on the year/month/hour criteria to see if you have that animal sign. If you do, that information applies to your 2022 forecast.



Born Year of the Rat: 1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008

Born Month of the Rat: December 6 – January 5

Born Hour of the Rat: between 11pm– 1am

With Rat in your chart, your worldview will be very different. Center yourself and establish new values that will define who you are. Courage is important for you in 2022. In the past, you may have been depending on other people and this year you have to depend on yourself. Find strength from within. You are in charge of your own happiness and know that you are enough.



Born Year of the Ox: 1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009

Born Month of the Ox: January 6 – February 3

Born Hour of the Ox: between 1 – 2:59am

With Ox in your chart for 2022, your likeability factor will skyrocket –leading to more opportunities for success. Stay healthy and get proper rest because you will need the extra energy boost. Relationships are the name of the game for you this year. You have the potential to develop an existing relationship (personally or professionally) into a deeper more meaningful connection.



Born Year of the Tiger: 1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010

Born Month of the Tiger: February 4 – March 5

Born Hour of the Tiger: between 3 – 4:59am

Tiger is sitting with the Grand Duke in 2022 so you will attract and command attention. If you don’t like attention –you will not enjoy the yearly energy. If you are an A-player you could thrive on making decisions and have a fantastic year. Take charge of your skill set and learn something new. Take time to think what you want manifest and bring it into reality.



Born Year of the Rabbit: 1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011

Born Month of the Rabbit: March 6 – April 4

Born Hour of the Rabbit: between 5 – 6:59am

With Rabbit in 2022, who you know becomes more important than what you know. This is your year to shine by providing guidance and direction to others. Find the internal courage to support other people and you will have a fulfilling and happy year. If single, you could meet your soul mate. If in a relationship, spend more time with your significant other to avoid temptations.


Born Year of the Dragon: 1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012

Born Month of the Dragon: April 5 – May 5

Born Hour of the Dragon: between 7 – 8:59am

2022 is a year of spiritual growth for Dragon. Your only limitation is the limit you put on yourself. Look within for wisdom. Take this year to expand your own mind and values. Work smart instead of pushing yourself to exhaustion. You will be spending a lot of time solving other people’s issues so work smart instead of pushing yourself to exhaustion.


Born Year of the Snake: 1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013

Born Month of the Snake: May 6 – June 5

Born Hour of the Snake: between 9 – 10:59am

With Snake in your chart, 2022 is a good year to start something that has been on the backburner. You might be able to afford things you couldn’t before. It’s a good year to invest in property. Fearlessly go forth and be courageous –take charge of your destiny. If you wish to get ahead it’s all about who you know –you can gain help from women in 2022.



Born Year of the Horse: 1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014

Born Month of the Horse: June 6 – July 6

Born Hour of the Horse: between 11am – 12:59p

There will be challenges to gallop over with the Horse in your chart. Activating the auspicious energies lies in your hands. Expect wealth and financial gains throughout the year. 2022 brings about fame, vitality, and energy. You are more motivated and energized in everything you do. You can also gain credibility and power. Surround yourself with kind and sincere people.



Born Year of the Goat: 1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015

Born Month of the Goat: July 7 – August 7

Born Hour of the Goat: between 1 – 2:59pm

2022 brings Goats a whimsical feeling of being fortunate all the time. Focus on new ventures and solving problems. Your Peach Blossom is high, making you more popular and likable. You could travel far and wide for business or studies. Watch your diet and when dining out pick places that prepare food in a clean environment.


Born Year of the Monkey: 1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016

Born Month of the Monkey: August 8 – September 7

Born Hour of the Monkey: between 3-4:59pm

Monkey will have the biggest transition because it clashes with the yearly Grand Duke Tiger. If you are ready for a change –this can be a breakthrough year for you. You are being pushed towards great expansion. Reach for the stars with realistic goals and dreams. A portal opens for you to receive unexpected opportunities and noble support.



Born Year of the Rooster: 1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017

Born Month of Rooster: September 8 – October 8

Born Hour of Rooster: between 5 – 6:59pm

Roosters should expect good omens and favorable outcomes. A lot of opportunities in all areas of your life will show up. People look up to you to make excellent decisions. Be the leader in 2022. If on a bumpy ride, tackle each issue with ease. Expect happiness, achievements, and strong relationships for success.



Born Year of the Dog: 1934 – 1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006, 2018

Born Month of Dog: October 9 – November 7

Born Hour of Dog: between 7 – 8:59pm

With the right guidance and effort, you can make the year work for you. Focus on what is going right and stay on your path. Dog in 2022 brings career advancement, especially if you are in the arts or creative fields. You might be impatient and indecisive –always changing your mind. Be more focused. 



Born Year of the Pig: 1935 – 1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007

Born Month of Pig: November 8 – December 6

Born Hour of Pig: between 9 – 10:59pm

Overcoming hurdles and embracing the benefits is how the Pig will be guided to a memorable year ahead. Your thoughts will be louder this year –you will tend to think too much. Meditate and keep your inner thoughts clear and focused. This is your year of good food, fun gatherings, and a chance to explore the world. Create good memories

Anita Rosenberg is a global consultant helping people reach their wealth potential and improve their business and personal relationships. She is the go-to expert in Hollywood for Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology with over twenty years of experience in Chinese Metaphysics.

For more information or to schedule a personal BaZi Chinese Astrology Consultation visit | @AnitaRosenbergStudio



  1. Anita Rosenberg

    Remember that you can have up to 4 animal signs in your chart. What can you expect from your year 2022? Just because you have that energy does not make it guaranteed. You have to always TAKE ACTION towards your goals and dreams. Happy Chinese New Year of the Water-Tiger.


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